
im Bann des Doktor Fiese

A croak­ing voice orders a pizza on the phone. A variety of oddities flare up on the screen. They hint at sci­en­tific appa­ra­tuses and the shape of a pecu­liar being.
Doc­tor Fíese is work­ing in his lab­o­ra­tory. Meanwhile, the piz­z­a boy follows the instructions of his client, ignorant of any sense of fore­bo­d­ing. In an insane mono­logue Doc­tor Fíese des­cribes his dia­bolic plan. It’s get­ting clear: he is not after pizza, but the pizza boy.

Arriv­ing in the lab­, the inno­cent boy is wel­comed by the incan­ta­tory voice of the white coat, hyp­notic music and an appar­ently harm­less cup of tea. But this bev­er­age devel­ops a hyp­notic effect on those who consume it, par­a­lyz­ing their will. Drunk on his own power, Doc­tor Fíese starts to chant madly while „microniz­ing“ his proband. The poor pizza boy is trans­formed into a being made of mod­el­ling clay.

The crea­ture slides through a labyrinth of mir­rors to finally be reborn through the vulva-exit of a machine. One can’t tell dream from real­ity. The pro­tag­o­nist floats on his own legs, is raised and car­ried on hands. He’s enter­ing a cruel world of night­mares, ruins and mon­sters. After tak­ing seat in a car, that looks like a pig, he meets two fel­low suf­fer­ers. They are trav­el­ing in ani­malistic cars, as well. Together they have to face huge insects, chimeras, a horny giant­ess and at the end, even themselves.


Genre: Pup­pet­show, Stop­mo­tion, Trash, Art

Run­ning Time: 15 min­utes

Direc­tor: Mar­cus Grysczok

Pro­duc­tion: Mar­cus Grysc­zok, Simon Mali­nowsky, Mar­tin Koch, Andreas Höche

Author: Simon Mali­nowsy

Script: Mar­cus Grysc­zok, Simon Malinowsky

Music and Sound: Mar­tin Koch, DONPLUSULTRA


puppet of Doktor Fíese by Dorit Agater
Pizzaboy – Andreas Höche
DPU – clay – boys by Marcus Grysczok and Simon Malinowsky
animal cars by Marcus Grysczok
birth machine by Elisabeth Günter
puppet of The Death by Sven Wachsmuth
human skeleton, diva, crow – worm and mummy by Simon Malinowsky
insect by Maria Strangfeld
fat lady by Nadine Wottke

design by Marcus Grysczok and Simon Malinowsky